2014/12/14 ブログ
Good Evening
Today KOUBAI-TEI was interviewed on TIWAN SANRITSU TV.
It's a popular travel TV program 「愛玩客」in Taiwan.
It's a program that to experience dainty food & trip and to introduce an audience.
Average audience rating is 62%. In particular 40's is 94%. Super audience rating WoW!
People of middle-age class look at this TV program.
The taste meeting place where is sensuality in Japanese style cooking dining "MARU-CYU" has newly opened April in this year.
They had tasted a local special beef, a lobster and a been curd porcelain pot etc.
They had stayed the room with out-door bath and they had thoroughly enjoyed it.
The KOUBAI-TEI's television transmission plan will be the biginning of December.
How will be the reaction of the audience pleasure?
Hope everybody would be interested in it, KOUBAI-TEI and come to KOTOHIRA.
staff Mika Maruoka
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