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紅梅亭ブログ 各種お知らせ、イベントなどを皆様にご紹介いたします

2014/11/16 ブログ

Kobai-tei is equipped with a WIFI to all of the "room.

Kobai-tei is equipped with a WIFI to all of the

Our all of rooms could access WIFI. It is a free of charge.
You could able to contact your love one during your holiday.
Please use WIFI to what you would like to check for your travel information.
We hope it will make your trip more easier and informative.

staff Mika Maruoka

湯元こんぴら温泉華の湯 紅梅亭

〒766-0001 香川県仲多度郡琴平町556-1
TEL:0877-75-1111(代表) 公式サイトURL:http://www.koubaitei.jp


宿泊予約はこちら 公式HPからのご予約が一番お得です!!